A Summer Day in August, gouache, water-based crayon in altered book, 14 x 16 (approx), 2022
Curious Things, Water-based crayon in altered book, 14 x 20 (approx) 2022
Transfigure Rage/Rage to Outrage, Gouache and water-based crayon in altered book, 14 x 20 (approx) 2021
A Merry Fellow, gouache and water-based crayon in altered book, 14 x 10 (approx) 2022
Let it Out, The Canary that Swallowed the Cat, Gouache and water-based crayon in altered book, 14 x 20 (approx) 2021
Blessings, Ritual, Female, Male, gouache and water-based crayon in altered book, 14 x 20 (approx) 2021