Spider Woman and Bird Spirit, gouache and watercolor crayons, 11 x 17 (two page spread) 2020
Guardian of the Garden/ Sin Eater (eat the pain and send it back to the void of love). gouache and watercolor crayon, collage, 11 x 17, (two page spread) 2021
Yes! (psychopathology in abstract expressionist artists) gouache and watercolor crayon, collage, 11 x 17, 2020
Art is Heavy, gouache, watercolor crayon, collage, 11 x 17 (two page spread), 2021
Do you Believe this Guy?/The Big Artichoke, goauche and watercolor crayon, collage, 11 x 17, (two page spread with cut-outs), 2020
Maybe if I just Keep my Eyes Closed? gouache and watercolor crayon, collage, 11 x 17 (two page spread) 2020